
March 2, 2019 - Mississippian, Morgan County

On Saturday, March 2, 2019, numerous BPS members and guests traveled through the pouring rain to a fairly close limestone quarry to look for fossils.  The rain stopped by the time we reached the rendezvous location but the temperature began to rapidly drop.  That did not deter any of the fossil enthusiasts nor did it deter our hosts, thankfully!

February 2, 2019 - Mississippian, Franklin County, Al.

Saturday, Feb. 2, 2019 was an absolutely PERFECT day for a field trip!  There were

February 24, 2018 - Mississippian Fossils, Franklin Co, Alabama

For the February field trip, six stalwart fossil hunters ignored the gloomy forecast and journeyed through a storm front to a lovely Franklin County lake site.  As it turned out, the weather was perfectly suited to fossil hunting with partly sunny

May 18, 2015 - Mississippian Fossils, Morgan Co, AL

A beautiful Monday morning, with lots of clouds keeping heat to a bearable level.  We went to a new area this trip, where several crinoid heads and pieces, blastoids, archimedes, horned and other corals were found.  Just after moving to a new collecting location, the bottom dropped out, and though we were quite ok with collecting in the rain, the quarry managers said the roads would get slick, so we had to make an early exit.  The group enjoyed lunch at a very interesting Mexican restaurant.


March 5, 2011 - Mississippian Fossils, Franklin Co, AL

Okay, how many of you let a 90% chance of rain stop you from coming on the field trip?

Six of us showed up to hunt fossils in spite of the predictions of 90% rain over the entire south.  The weather report was correct this time!  It didn't rain on the way there, lulling us into believing it would hold off most of the day.  

With such a small group we decided to go to a location where we have not been in several years.  This location has a very poor road with large potholes, not much room to park, and a short hike to get to the lake.

February 27, 2010 - Mississippian Fossils, Colbert and Franklin Co, AL

There must have been a lot of people concerned about the weather report, which predicted snow and ice in North Alabama.  Only 5 of us showed up, but what a wonderful day it turned out to be.  It stayed cold in Birmingham, but the weather at the collecting sites warmed up to the 50's, and Don remarked we better tell the field trip planner thanks for picking such a great day!  The smaller numb

April 11, 2009 - Mississippian Fossils, Morgan Co, AL

On 11 April, BPS visited a quarry in Morgan county.  After signing in and filling out all the release forms we were escorted to the dig site.  The quarry contains limestone, and the fossils found were primarily from the Mississippian Period of the Paleozoic Era. 


blastoid hidden in gravel

Some fossils are very hard to spot. There is a blastoid lying in this gravel wash.


Slab containing several blastoids and crinoid stems.

Slab containing several blastoids and crinoid stems.


Slab with crinoid, bryozoan, blastoid, archimedes

Excellent specimen showing a very long crinoid stem, numerous tiny pieces of crinoid stem, a blastoid, bryozoan, and archimedes stem.


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