

holding mosasaur jawbone

Mosasaur jawbone immediately after being excavated from the chalk.


mosasaur jawbone

Mosasaur jawbone

July 31, 2010 - Cretaceous Fossils, Dallas and Perry Co, AL

BPS members defied the extreme heat and went to south Alabama to assist in collecting fossils and close down the dig site until the weather cools off some.  A number of mosasaur bones were found, and a mosasaur jaw still containing a tooth.  Other fossils found included shark teeth, shark vertebra, various varieties of fish, turtle bone, and enchodus jaw and teeth.  The thermometer read 110

July 11, 2009 - Cretaceous Fossils, Greene Co, AL

BPS members and guests headed down to Greene county, Alabama for our July trip.  This site is a creek covered with pea gravel - making screening for shark teeth and other fossils quite difficult.  However, most found it fairly easy to spot the fossils lying on top of the gravel.  Numerous shark teeth were found, a couple of mosasaur teeth, several ptychodus teeth, a gar vertebra and tooth, c


mosasaur jaw

A better view of the Clidastes mosasaur jaw found by Claire.



Part of the Clidastes mosasaur jaw found by Claire.


mosasaur jaw

Claire has found a Clidases mosasaur jaw, including several teeth, literally laying on the surface of the gully, in eyesight of where we parked our cars.


flagged fossil mosasaur and turtle

After a brief overview of the geology of the area, and a review of collecting and flagging procedures by James Lamb, the group headed out into the gullies.


mosasaur bone

Mosasaur bone of an adult or larger juvenile found in the roots of the tree.

May 31, 2008 - Late Cretaceous Fossils, Dallas County, AL

This Saturday in late May was HOT!


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