
August 16, 2008 - Cretaceous - Dallas and Perry Counties, Alabama

Day 1 Friday         Day 2 Saturday         Day 3 Sunday

A weekend trip to the Cretaceous chalk gullies of Dallas County Alabama and a creek in Perry county turned up numerous fossils.  Ancient creatures, including shark, turtle, mosasaur, ptychodus, fish, clam, and ammonite were found during the three day weekend trip.


turtle bone

Pieces of turtle bone


flagged fossil mosasaur and turtle

After a brief overview of the geology of the area, and a review of collecting and flagging procedures by James Lamb, the group headed out into the gullies.


fossil turtle shell

Numerous pieces of fossil turtle are scattered around this area.

July 21, 2007 - Cretaceous Fossils, Greene Co, AL

A very large group of 31 people showed up for the July BPS trip to Greene county. Thanks to James Lamb, our trip leader this time, we visited some Cretaceous sites that we have not visited for at least 10 years, so we were all pretty excited. The first site was a chalk gully which has produced nice mosasaur

May 19, 2007 - Cretaceous Fossils, Montgomery Co, AL

Another hot day found the troops begging for a "water field trip" so we could cool off. We had mixed feelings about what we saw when we got there and found that drought conditions had virtually dried up the creek-bed. On the other hand, a good deal more fossils were exposed. This is our favorite spot for collecting

August 20, 2005 - Eocene Fossils, Covington and Cretaceous Fossils, Montgomery Co, AL

What a hot, humid day this was! According to weather reports, the temperature hit 97 where we were collecting, and there was virtually no shade. The first site we visited in Covington county was a real dud, for multiple reasons. We knew there would be a "constant steady discharge" due to some future plans at the

February 2, 2003 - Cretaceous Fossils, Lowndes Co, MS

The January field trip was held on February 2, 2003. BPS members collected in the Selma Chalk formation in Lowndes county Mississippi.. We visited several new sites where the group has never collected. Some nice specimens were found, including a large fossil turtle bone, and numerous fossil shark teeth.

(Photos courtesy Greg Mestler.)





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