shark vertebra

August 17, 2008 - Cretaceous - Dallas and Perry Counties, Alabama

Day 1 Friday         Day 2 Saturday         Day 3 Sunday

A weekend trip to the Cretaceous chalk gullies of Dallas County Alabama and a creek in Perry county turned up numerous fossils.  Ancient creatures, including shark, turtle, mosasaur, ptychodus, fish, clam, and ammonite were found during the three day weekend trip.


Shark tooth and shark vertebra

Scapanorhynchus shark tooth and shark vertebra.


Several shark vertebra

Several shark vertebra.


Shark vertebra scattered on the sides of a gully

Shark vertebra scattered on the sides of a gully. The red flags mark the highest spot a bone has been found.


Shark vertebra

Shark vertebra


Shark vertebra

Shark vertebra

August 19-20, 2006 - Cretaceous Fossils, Lowndes Co, AL

Once again BPS was out in the boonies with the ATV’s! Greg even brought his own ride this trip. Go, Greg! Gorgeous weather, good turn-out. Sandy Ebersole, a new BPS member from the Geological Survey of Alabama, was interested in examining the formation to determine if it is part of the same Ripley Formation she is studying at Coon Creek in Tennessee. Sandy and


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