Due to various scheduling conflicts, the next meeting of the BPS will be Monday, January 16, 2012,
7-9 pm at the McWane Science Center in Birmingham, Alabama.
will be a concurrent Annual Meeting, Directors Meeting, and
Regular Business meeting. We will elect and install officers for 2012. The Awards Committee
will be honoring numerous individuals for their various contributions
to the group, including hard work and memorable events. No speaker for this meeting.
UPDATED: Tonight on The History Channel - American Pickers: Jurassic Pick - a 65 million year-old dinosaur bone is found. George Phillips, Paleontology Curator at the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science will discuss the fossil find. 9:00pm eastern/8 central. THIS EPISODE WILL AIR AGAIN ON SUNDAY DEC 4, 2011 .
Jun Ebersole, Collections Manager at McWane Science Center, will
present a lecture titled “Teeth: The Identification of Mammals from Archaeological and Fossil Sites” at the
Monday, December 5, 2011 meeting of the Birmingham
Paleontological Society. Jun Ebersole is a paleoanthropologist who has
done extensive research of the mammals found in Alabama's Pleistocene
BPS members took a long weekend and on Saturday the group collected in 3 Eocene sites in Mississippi, finding echinoids, sand dollars, coral, worm tubes, crabs, oyster, gastropods, fish vertebra, and one shark vertebra. Then on Sunday the group visited a couple of tourist locations - the Mississippi Petrified Forest in Flora, MS, and the Mississippi Museum of Natural History in Jackson, MS.
Our guest speaker will be Dr. Sandy Ebersole, Geologist at the Geological Survey of Alabama will present a lecture on "Microstructure of Fossil Bone and Teeth". Sandy has researched the fossils and rocks of Alabama for many years, and has done extensive research on the Ripley Formation. Her field studies are compiled into Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and used to create
Tuesday, October 18, 2011, educators from all over Alabama and even a few from neighboring states got together in Livingston for the 13th Fossils of the Black Belt teacher workshop. The first workshop was held in 1997, and was
The Birmingham Paleontological Society will have a special fossil display set up at the McWane Science Center on Monday, October 10, outside the paleo lab. This event will coincide with a school group day at the museum.
This is in conjunction with Earth Science Week, organized each year by the American Geological Institute.
Our guest speaker will be Thomas Lang, owner of Carto-Craft, the best source of maps in this area. His lecture is titled "Progression of Mapping". He has been in the mapping business for 25 years and is an expert on the mapping process, from ancient hand drawn maps to modern day maps using satellites.
WHO: Thomas Lang, owner of Carto-Craft maps
Lecture - "Progression of Mapping"
WHEN: Monday, October 3, 2011, 7:00-8:00 pm
Report to come... Photos now posted.