BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the McWane Science Center.
Video: The Burgess Shale
Park in the deck on "Level C", go through doors marked Special Event Center, and follow signs to meeting. The business meeting begins at 7:00, followed by the program around 7:45 or 8pm.
BPS members collected in St. Clair county, Alabama this month. The weather started out a little chilly, but turned into a perfect, pleasant day.
BPS members voted at last night's business meeting to begin meeting at McWane Science Center, instead of the Homewood Public Library. This will take effect immediately. Parking is free, though you may have to pull a 'parking ticket" to open the gate. Park in the deck on "Level C", go through doors marked Special Event Center, and follow signs to meeting. The business meeting begins at 7:00, followed by the program around 7:45 or 8pm.
BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month. This month we will be meeting at the McWane Science Center.
Program: Tour of the Alabama Collections Center at McWane Science Center, by Paleontologist James Lamb
Park in the deck on "Level C", go through doors marked Special Event Center, and follow signs to meeting. The business meeting begins at 7:00, followed by the program around 7:45 or 8pm.
On March 6, 2006, BPS members
voted to begin meeting
at the McWane Science Center, rather than Homewood Public Library,
effective immediately. This was a hard decision for us, since the
HPL had been home to us for so long, but McWane offers us access to a
professional paleontology staff and lab. As we leave, we
want to say a HUGE "Thank you" to HPL for all the help and
support over the years, to the helpful and concerned staff and the
wonderful facilities they always made available to us. HPL is one
of the greatest community assets we have here in Birmingham.
Another trip not put off for "rain, nor sleet, nor snow etc." Near-freezing temperatures, 100% chance of rain, an overcast sky and icy drizzle to begin the day were all on the menu at the BPS field trip in February to strip-min
BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the Homewood Public Library. Meeting is downstairs, in room 101.
Program "Vegetation and Climate of the Cretaceous" by James Lamb, a BPS founder, currently Curator of Paleontology, McWane Science Center .
Neither rain, nor sleet nor snow
nor lake wind advisories will deter
the BPS from hitting a favorite NE Alabama site. No kidding
about the
snow! As we assembled in the morning at the rest area little
were seen drifting down. We all bundled up and headed
anyway. In spite of the weather, we had a great
BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the Homewood Public Library. Meeting is downstairs, in room 101.
This is our Annual Meeting and Officer Elections
Program: Trilobites.