May 26, 2001 - Greene Co, AL
BPS members collected in a Greene County, Alabama creek. At this Cretaceous site, we found numerous shark and ray teeth and some fish vertebrae.
BPS members collected in a Greene County, Alabama creek. At this Cretaceous site, we found numerous shark and ray teeth and some fish vertebrae.
Track Meet III and the concurrent PlantFest was held on May 12, at the Anniston Museum of Natural History. We spent the day documenting especially fine, well-preserved, interesting plant fossil specimens and previously unphotographed tracks collected at the Union Chapel Mine. We were fortunate enough to have 2 visiting paleobotanists at this Meet. Thanks to all of the organizers and parti
BPS members visited two late Cretaceous sites in Montgomery County, Alabama, where we collected primarily shark teeth and echinoids. A pycnodont tooth (rare in Alabama) was found by Vicki Lais.
BPS members collected at a Bibb county quarry and nearby graptolite site this month.
BPS members collected in the Bangor Limestone in Franklin County, Alabama, and made several stops at roadcuts
in the area. Specimens from this site date to the late Mississipian
BPS members collected in Cherokee County, Alabama. This site is the Conasauga Formation of the Cambrian, and numerous trilobites were found.
by Ron Buta, Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
The publication of Jim Lacefield's new book, "Lost Worlds in Alabama Rocks: A Guide to the State's Ancient Life and Landscapes" led the BPS to this new site for a field trip this month.