April 28-29, 2012 - Washington County, Alabama
BPS members took a weekend trip to Washington County, to an old quarry where they found echinoids, sand dollars, numerous shells, and foraminifera, plus a few scattered shark teeth were found.
BPS members took a weekend trip to Washington County, to an old quarry where they found echinoids, sand dollars, numerous shells, and foraminifera, plus a few scattered shark teeth were found.
The speaker for February will be Jun Ebersole, the collections manager overseeing the Alabama Collection’s at the McWane Science Center. The presentation will begin after a brief business meeting. The topic for this evening will be “The Bizarre Early History of Basilosaurus cetoides – Alabama’s State Fossil". There will also be a tour of the new exhibit “Unearthing Alabama’s Ice Age” following the presentation. Come join us for a fascinating evening.
What a wonderful two day trip we had in March. The weather was sunny; light jacket weather, just right for being outside. Saturday we were at a quarry in Colbert County, and Sunday we were at a lake in Franklin County.
BPS went to St. Clair County this month and found various coral, including horned corals, and a number of trilobites. Shells were also found, including a few bivalves.
We're making progress on getting the site back up. Best viewed in Firefox for now. The tweaks to make the page render properly with the non-standard Internet Explorer are coming soon.
Our October speaker is James Lamb, Paleontologist and Adjunct Professor of Zoology at the University of West Alabama. His talk is "Things that Bite You".
The program starts at 7pm, to be followed by our business meeting around 8pm. Our annual Officer/Director elections will be conducted tonight.
WHO: James Lamb, Paleontologist
WHAT: Lecture - Things that Bite You
WHEN: Monday, January 14, 2013, 7:00-8:00 pm
WHERE: Hoover Public Library, downstairs across from the Library Theater. 200 Municipal Drive, Hoover, Alabama
All information from the old site has been migrated to the new site, including news, events, and photos. Some pages may operate differently than in the past, and we will be tweaking things each day. The look of the BPS site will be changing again once the BPS custom theme is finished. If you find errors, or notice that information is missing, please send an email to the webmaster so it can be corrected.
Our November speaker is James Lamb, zoology
instructor at the
University of West Alabama, who will present a lecture titled "". James has done casting, sculpting, and mounting of fossils for the past 30+ years.
This one day workshop will be in Livingston, Alabama on Tuesday, October 23, 2012. Taught by professors from the University of West Alabama and geologists from the Geological Survey of Alabama, it is primarily for science teachers, and will help integrate real earth science into the curricula. The cost is $15. Teachers will find fossils at a research site, receive a copy of Lost World
Our October speaker is Dr. Bob Rathburn, Executive Director of Sloss Furnace National Historic Landmark. His lecture will provide some interesting information on the history and currrent events scheduled for Sloss Furnace, and give us advance information on the new visitor center and museum that will be opening in 2013.
The program starts at 7pm, to be followed by our business meeting around 8pm.
WHO: Dr. Bob Rathburn, Executive Director, Sloss Furnace National Historic Landmark