BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the Homewood Public Library. Meeting is downstairs, in room 101.
Program: Hands on Workshop - Cleaning Fossils from Franklin Co,
BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the Homewood Public Library. Meeting is downstairs, in room 101.
Program: Lecture by Greg Mestler based on book "When Life Nearly
BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the Homewood Public Library. Meeting is downstairs, in room 101.
Program: Hands on Workshop by Bobby Popwell - Cleaning Fossils using an Air Compressor
BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the Homewood Public Library. Meeting is downstairs, in room 101.
Program: Jun Ebersole, The Alabama Collections Center at McWane
Science Center
Last day of the Exhibit "Creatures in Alabama's Past" in the Ellenburg Art Gallery at the Homewood Public Library.