Thursday, February 12, 2009 - 6:00pm
The Animal Planet Network has scheduled a couple of interesting paleo related programs on Thursday, February 12. Check your listings for exact times in your area.
Prehistoric Park - T-rex
Thursday 7pm, and Friday 2am
Nigel Marven travels back to the Cretaceous Montana: his mission - to rescue Tyrannosaurus Rex. He coaxes two baby T-rex through the time portal and into the park. He names them Terence and Matilda.
Walking with Dinosaurs - Dawn of the Dinosaurs
Thursday 8pm, 11pm, and Friday 3am
New studies suggest how climate changes precipitated the rise and evolution of ferocious dinosaurs. The plant-eaters of the Triassic fade into extinction as the age of dinosaurs brings predators like coelophysis to the food chain.