The next regular meeting of the BPS will be Monday, December 1, 2008, 7-9 pm at the McWane Science Center in Birmingham, Alabama.
Jim Lacefield, author of the popular book, "Lost Worlds in Alabama Rocks", will be our speaker. The title of his talk will be "Alabama's Forests Through Time." In his PowerPoint presentation he will describe how evidence from plant fossils documents the progression of life on land across time in the state. Copies of his book may still be available from the University of Alabama Supply Store. Jim will speak at 7 pm, followed by a short break, then the regular business meeting.
Free parking, enter the McWane parking deck from 2nd Ave. NORTH and proceed to yellow level "C". Enter door marked "Special Events" and turn left to the large auditorium.
Optional supper prior to the meeting (Dutch treat) at 5:00 at Nabeel's, 1706 Oxmoor Rd, Homewood, AL, a block from the Homewood Public Library.