Jun Ebersole, Collections Manager at McWane Science Center, will
present a lecture titled “Teeth: The Identification of Mammals from Archaeological and Fossil Sites” at the
Monday, December 5, 2011 meeting of the Birmingham
Paleontological Society. Jun Ebersole is a paleoanthropologist who has
done extensive research of the mammals found in Alabama's Pleistocene
fossil deposits in caves, creeks and riverbanks.
WHO: Jun Ebersole, Collections Manager, McWane Science Center
WHAT: Lecture - "Teeth: The Identification of Mammals from Archaeological and Fossil Sites"
WHEN: Monday, December 5, 2011, 7:00-8:00 pm
Science Center, 200 19th Street North, Birmingham, Alabama, Level C,
FREE COVERED PARKING, enter Special Events Center from deck
COST: This event is FREE and open to the public!