It's time for a celebration ! September marks the 25th year of existence for BPS, and we will host a Celebration of this event at our Monday, OCTOBER 5 meeting. We were formed in 1984 by paleontologists who worked at the Red Mountain Museum, and needed extra eyes and field labor to assist with museum acquisitions. And here we are 25 years later, still going strong! All current members, former members, general public, basically anyone interested in fossils are encouraged to attend, come celebrate with us!
We will be starting EARLY this month, come on down to the McWane Science Center at 5:30. We will have food and soft drinks, a slideshow from our 25 years of history, a tour of the paleo lab, and two excellent speakers.
James Lamb will be speaking around 6:45, and will provide some little known information about the formation and early years of BPS, fossil finds, early members, and the cave dig.
Our featured speaker for this month is one of our early Presidents and Advisors, Dr. Scott Brande, who will be speaking on "The Evolution of Evolution in Public Schools". Some of Dr. Brande's viewpoints can be found on the Coalition for Science website, and in an article titled "God, Darwin, & Dixie" on 90.3 FM WBHM. Dr. Brande is trained as a paleontologist and geologist, and is currently an Associate Professor of Geology at the University of Alabama in Birmingham.
Celebration Starts - 5:30
Tour of Paleo Lab
Paleontologist James Lamb - BPS Events to Remember - ~6:45
Dr. Scott Brande - The Evolution of Evolution in Public Schools" - ~7:30
Business meeting following lecture
Eating - the entire evening
Free parking; Enter the The McWane Science Center parking deck from 2nd Ave. North, proceed to yellow level "C", enter the door marked "Special Events" and bear to the left.