The Southeastern United States is a hotbed of fossils, though from the lack of research articles available to the general public, one might never know this. In our state of Alabama alone, fossil material from all periods except the Jurassic have been found, with the oldest pre-Cambrian material being found in the far north, and more recent Pleistocene fossils being found in the deep south. Fossils have been found from both marine and land environments, including shells, trilobites, dinosaurs, corals, seeds, ferns, amber, ginko and other trees, fish, whales, dolphins, and numerous other species. Professional paleontologists and geologists have conducted field research in Alabama and surrounding states, but their work has been buried in archives, provided to other professionals at seminars, filed away by individuals who received printed materials handed out on field trips or at lectures, and published in professional journals only available to other professionals or with a costly subscription.
In our efforts to make this research easily available to the public, below you will find lists of published articles on fossils and geology of the Southeast, with references (mostly found on GeoRef), and links to the article when available. If there is no link, the publisher can be contacted for pricing information.
BPS encourages paleo professionals to share current field research and other fossil related information with the general public, while retaining all rights to their own works. The articles in this section have been written by professionals in their field, with the intent of making overviews or abstracts of this research available to the public. The authors are given total control of articles they provide for the BPS site.
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