Enchodus teeth and Palatine jaw pieces, even one of them had the fang intact!
Enchodus teeth and Palatine jaw pieces, even one of them had the fang intact!
Finally finished the micro material brought back from the BPS field trip creek excursion 2 weeks ago. This creek produces a heavy concentration of Enchodus fish teeth, and palatine jaw pieces of any creek I've visited! In the picture, you will see anterior and posterior Enchodus teeth, Pseudocorax, Scapanorynchus (Goblin shark), Gastropod steinkern, Fish Vert, six-sided quartz crystal that has been creek worn, and Urchin Spines... I'm astonished that these spines as delicate as they are survived into fossilization, buried in matrix for eons and tossed around in that creek! Cretaceous Period, Demopolis Chalk, Southeastern USA.
Members of the Birmingham Paleontological Society held a fossil exhibit at the Homewood Public Library from September 1 until September 30. On Sunday, September 30, an Open House was held for the public, which included refreshments, a short dinosaur movie, and best of all according to the kids, a sand pile where they could search for their very own fossils.
The exhibit was held in the Ellenburg Art Gallery, which is a fabulous location to display the wide variety of fossils found in Alabama. There were 3 flat exhibit cases, one for each major Era in Alabama, the Cenozoic, Mesozoic, and Paleozoic. On the walls were photos from BPS field trips, and several posters with information on fossils and the geology of Alabama. Also there were two wall cases filled with fossils found on BPS trips, and tools that any budding paleontologist will need for starting their very own collection. Among the fossils on display were ammonites, mosasaur vertebra, shark teeth, calamites, ferns, echinoids, crabs, trackways, and fossil shells.
The younger fossil hunters walked into the room and immediately became totally engrossed in the dinosaur video; they never even realized there were snacks right behind them! After the movie, they joined the other fossil hunters at the sand pile. This was so exciting that many of them hunted for over an hour, just to see what turned up. (I'm sure all the fossil enthusiasts can relate to this!)
Overall, another great Exhibit and Open House experience. The Homewood Public Library was our meeting location for many years, and in a way, it felt like we were "back home".
You couldn't ask for a beautiful day to fossil hunt with BPS on a creek hunting for fossils. It was hot, but the overhanging trees provided a cool shade and the water at just the right temperature to enjoy the beauty surrounding us! BPS August field trip was on a creek, hunting for Cretaceous and Pliestocene fossils as well as native artifacts consisting of arrowheads and pottery. A great time had by all the members!