

Butler county BPS fossil field trip

Closer shot of a nautiloid found by Claire


Butler county BPS fossil field trip

Loni with a nautiloid she found.

April 26, 2008 - Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossils, Butler Co, AL

The April 2008 field trip brought beautiful weather and a nice relaxing weekend. Claire, Martha and Leisa were able to get to the site on Friday and enjoyed an evening gazing up at the stars and listening to the night birds. Saturday morning brought the arrival of the rest of the field trip party. Members ventured up stream and down stream. Several shark teeth and ray teeth were found, along with cochina stone embedded with turritella, gastropods, and nautiloids. A few Native American pottery shards were also found.


Butler county BPS fossil field trip

Shot of the creek


Butler county BPS fossil field trip


Butler county BPS fossil field trip

Various fossils found on trip


Butler county BPS fossil field trip

Echinoid found by Leisa. These are very rare at this site.


Butler county BPS fossil field trip

Various fossils and pottery shards found by Leisa.


Butler county BPS fossil field trip

Shark teeth and other fossils.


Butler county BPS fossil field trip

Fossils and other items found by Leisa


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