
April 1, 2006 - Cretaceous Fossils, Russell Co, AL

On a gray, overcast day that began with morning drizzle in Birmingham, and an unscheduled side trip to Georgia (don't ask), several BPS members participated in a paleontological salvage operation in Russell county, Alabama. When the sun came out full force later in the day, it made us appreciate the cloud cover!

August 20, 2005 - Eocene Fossils, Covington and Cretaceous Fossils, Montgomery Co, AL

What a hot, humid day this was! According to weather reports, the temperature hit 97 where we were collecting, and there was virtually no shade. The first site we visited in Covington county was a real dud, for multiple reasons. We knew there would be a "constant steady discharge" due to some future plans at the

June 25, 2005 - Cretaceous Fossils, Chilton Co, AL

This month, BPS members and guests returned to a creek in Chilton county that hasn't been visited by the group in about 6 years. The weather was perfect, and the creek was ideal for cooling off. We obtained permission to enter the creek at a new location, and everyone found numerous specimens of Cretaceous age petrified/

May 21, 2005 - Cretaceous Fossils, Montgomery Co, AL

This month, BPS members headed to Montgomery county to collect in the late Cretaceous. Another beautiful day for being in the woods, and playing in a creek. This year, the creek was down, way down, so moving from shore to shore was much easier than our last trip. A number of nice echinoids and ammonites were found, a variety of

March 19, 2005 - Cretaceous Fossils, Greene Co, AL

BPS members and guests met in the parking lot of the rest area for a show and tell session prior to the fossil outing. Weather was fine, but as we got closer to our site, the rain started. After a drizzly start, the weather cleared, and it ended up being a great day. Surface collecting, or digging in one spot in the pea

October 23, 2004 - Cretaceous Fossils, Tuscaloosa and Hale Co, AL

October saw the troops headed to Hale county, AL to a favorite creek. After meeting at a rest area, we headed South to Tuscaloosa where we made a stop at the Museum of Natural History on the University campus. Great fossil collections as well as a fun exhibit of bugs and bats caught everybody's interest. We were delighted to see that the

April 17, 2004 - Cretaceous and Pleistocene Fossils, Greene Co, AL

This creek site in Greene County, AL is characterized by large quantities of pea gravel, filled with numerous shark teeth, and the occasional mosasaur vertebra. Going east along the creek one is in Pleistocene age material, while going west moves one through an area of Mooreville Chalk (Cretaceous).

A number of teeth from the Goblin shark and crow shark were found by all. (See the July, 2003 trip report for details on these sharks, and more on the geology of this site.)


July 26, 2003 - Cretaceous and Pleistocene Fossils, Greene Co, AL

We had so much fun at this site back in May, we wanted to do it again, and search for more mosasaur bones. And we were in luck! 2 more large vertebra were found, and 2 pieces of jawbone, one with pieces of the tooth still there, however, we did not find where they were washing out, but we all had a great time scouting. This site in Greene County,

May 31, 2003 - Cretaceous Fossils, Greene Co, AL

BPS visited a new Cretaceous location in Greene County. First was a very interesting drive and hike through a pasture of high grass. Once we got to the creek, walking was easy, and numerous shark teeth were found in the sand and gravel bars. The creek was very clean, and filled with pea gravel. We found that doing surface

April 19, 2003 - Butler Co, AL

BPS visited a new location in Butler County this month for our field trip.  The creek was shallow, making screening and hiking in the creek particularly easy.  A number of shark teeth were found, including Odontipus robusta, scapanorhynchus and odontaspis elegans, and bones and teeth that we really wanted to pass off as fossils.  Unfortunately,


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