Eotrachodon orientalis dinosaur bone
Eotrachodon orientalis dinosaur bone
Eotrachodon orientalis dinosaur bone being excavated by Greg, James, and Bobby
Bobby, James and Greg excavating the Eotrachodon orientalis dinosaur
Bobby excavating the Eotrachodon orientalis dinosaur
Bobby, James and Greg excavating the Eotrachodon orientalis dinosaur
Eotrachodon orientalis dinosaur bone
Eotrachodon orientalis dinosaur bone found and excavated by BPS members
Excavation leader James Lamb marking a diagram with yellow marker to indicate the Eotrachodon orientalis dinosaur bones found thus far.
Eotrachodon orientalis dinosaur bones found and excavated by BPS members
Rychard pointing to a newly exposed Eotrachodon orientalis dinosaur bone found in the next layer.