Once again BPS was out in the boonies with the ATV’s! Greg even brought his own ride this trip. Go, Greg! Gorgeous weather, good turn-out. Sandy Ebersole, a new BPS member from the Geological Survey of Alabama, was interested in examining the formation to determine if it is part of the same Ripley Formation she is studying at Coon Creek in Tennessee. Sandy and Jun Ebersole both gave us a short overview of the formations and geology of the area before we started collecting, which left us with an excellent perspective on where we were going.
We explored several small creeks in the area for the first time, where we found a number of crabs and other items, including clams, in nodules. Sandy found an outcrop in the first creek where she gathered numerous samples for her research.
The main creek yielded great samples for all: more crabs and clams, and unknown items in concretions. Sandy located another interesting outcropping and took more samples of microfossils. Michelle found some nice ammonite pieces, including one piece showing beautiful suture marks.
Since the Ebersole's needed to leave that night, our hosts set up an impromptu trip to a gully for the evening. Sandy and Jun wanted to see if this was part of the Ripley Formation (current thought is - probably not). Jun got a quick lesson on ATV driving and we hit the gully where we found teeth and bits of shells.
The next morning before the mist had burned off, we went to a different gully that had not been explored for several years, but did not yield many finds. After returning to camp, and meeting new arrivals, two groups were formed. One group went back to the creek where the crabs had been found, and another group consisting of Vicki, Michelle and Becky took off on a scouting adventure to explore yet another “new” creek. This turned out to be a great spot with some decent finds of brachiopods, clams, gastropods, exogyra, shark vertebrae, and possible pieces of bone.
Later in the day, diehards Becky and Vicki explored the main creek again, using a different access point and went a little ways up the stream until the creek got too difficult to navigate.
After two days of excellent collecting, all went their way home and look forward to the next field trip.
Edited by Vicki Lais
(Photos courtesy Vicki Lais)
On the way again! Riding to the site is almost as much fun as the collecting itself!
Sandy and Jun provide handouts and short lectures on the geology of the area.
General area where several crab nodules were found.
This outcrop has numerous small bits of shell and other material embedded in it. Sandy took lots of samples for her research.
Richard found a very nice crab.
Leisa decides to sift the fine sand in her search for smaller fossils.
Collecting samples for research.
A dried up creek we explored in the area.
We explored the main creek a good long while.
Nice view of the creek, which is almost dry in some areas due to the lingering drought. Notice the Spanish moss hanging from some of the trees.
Aaron found a nice, large crab.
Closer view of Aaron's large crab nodule.
Richard is digging out a very nice crab.
Another outcrop that Sandy found interesting. Many soil samples were taking from this location.
Greg is assisting in collecting the soil samples.
Becky found this nice crab nodule.
Michelle found part of an ammonite.
More ammonite found by Michelle.
Taking a rest after a long, hot day on the creek.
Jun and Sandy probably had more fun than the rest of us getting to the next collecting location - this was Jun's first opportunity to drive an ATV!
After a bit of a rest, we decided to explore a gully late in the afternoon.
This is how the gully looks when you get closer to the ground - a lot of shell bits and pieces. Can you find the shark tooth in this picture? It takes a while to get one's eye attuned to the coloring and patterns.
Early Sunday morning, we headed to a gully that had not been surveyed in several years. No items of interest were found here, mostly bits of shells and broken nodules, and a lot of caliche.
Closer view of the ground and a nodule.
After the gully trip, one group headed back to the main creek for crabs, and the Three Musketeers, Becky, Vicki, and Michelle, headed off for an adventure to find and scout a new creek.
Becky amongst the fishing poles.
Finally, we made it to the creek, which was littered with shells, primarily exogyra.
More exogyra pieces. The slightly circular pieces with the dimple in the middle are the other half of the exogyra, though we did not find any articulated specimens.
Exogyra and a couple of gastropods found by Vicki.
Nice bivalve found by Becky.
Michelle and Becky looking for fossils.
Small vertebra found by Vicki.
Bone, but unfortunately, it appears to be recent.
Last creek to be explored.
This rock filled with shells was found at this creek, but not much else, so all headed home.