It was a chilly, gorgeous, cold day to hunt Carboniferous/Mississippian fossils in a local rock quarry! George, a Mississippi Paleontologist joined the group and welcomed his expertise on some of the fossils, we were so glad he and his wife could join us! Marine fossils were to be found and there was a great time of fellowship with members, friends and was worth it! Additional fossils were added to members collections. It started off slow as the morning progressed because newer material had been placed on site. We had some rain the week before but not enough to weather and wash most of the stone to make fossils visible plus it was tad bit muddy as well. On this field trip, a lot of Carboniferous shark teeth were found! A few of the members had rock saws and were able to extract those cool fossils. Many more fossils were found as well, Blastoids, Crinoids and their segments, Archimedes and Coral. The weather warmed up as well and a few had to shed some extra clothing. It was a great day to hunt with friends and members and hope we can get back there in the future!
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