BPS finds new species of duck billed dinosaur in Alabama
BPS members find and excavate new species of duckbill dinosaur.
BPS members find and excavate new species of duckbill dinosaur.
Here is some interesting information about resources to be found at McWane Science Center.
Overview of McWane Collections on their newly designed Website
McWane has a new website. Jun has been given three pages he maintains that are related to the McWane collection. The first page provides a brief overview of the collection and the natural history exhibits.
The January speaker is James Lames, Curator of Paleontology at the Black Belt Museum and Professor of Zoology at the University of West Alabama. He will be speaking on “What happened in the world of paleontology in 2015.”
The business meeting, including elections and installation of officers, will begin at 7pm. The lecture will begin at 7:30.
Hoover Public Library, Meeting Room A. Free and open to the public.
Our speaker has had to cancel a the last minute due to illness. The program will be re-scheduled. The business meeting will still be held beginning at 7pm.
CANCELLED December speaker, to be rescheduled - James Lames, Curator of Paleontology at the Black Belt Museum and Professor of Zoology at the University of West Alabama. He will be speaking on “What happened in the world of paleontology in 2015.” Hoover Public Library, Meeting Room A. Free and open to the public.
The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa celebrated National Fossil Day at Smith Hall on October 21 - a week late this year - all the paleontologists were attending the annual SVP meeting on National Fossil Day! BPS was invited
A trip back to the gullies, not as hot as usual, actually very pleasant. A number of shark vertebra and various fish fossils and jaws were found. Several shark teeth and enchodus teeth were also found.
Weekend trip to a creek in Butler county, Alabama, with several members camping out for the long holiday.
Our November speaker will be Dr. Dana Ehret, Curator of Paleontology for the University of Alabama Museums. Dr. Ehret will present “Darwin and Paleontology: Search for the Missing Intermediates." Hoover Public Library, Meeting Room A at 7:30pm. Free and open to the public.
Print this flyer to have easy access to the lecture series speakers and dates.