December 3, 2011 - Pennsylvanian fossils, Bibb Co, Alabama
Have you ever wondered what an ol’ mine has to do with paleontology? Just ask 8 year old Antonio who went with us on our last field trip; that is if you can get him to slow down as he chatters about his finds at the mine while grinning from ear to ear.
When you first visit the mine, it looks like a vast wasteland with piles of rocks just scooped from the earth and placed in mounds away from the actual work area. Not much to look at to the untrained eye, but these mounds and areas that had been cleared to house them produced many fossils that had been underground for millennia’s. Among the finds found that day were Sigillaria, and Lepidodendron from the Carboniferous period and Calamites from the Carboniferous and Permian periods.
A great time was had by all, and we look forward to more outings. Who knows, maybe we will find you with us on our next adventure.
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