

Butler county BPS fossil field trip

View of creek.


Butler county BPS fossil field trip

Lea and Loni searching the gravel bars for fossils


Butler county BPS fossil field trip

View of the creek


Butler county BPS fossil field trip

Creek where fossils are found


Butler county BPS fossil field trip

Recent earbone found by Claire


Butler county BPS fossil field trip

Leisa's shark teeth and other items displayed on pottery shard.


Butler county BPS fossil field trip

Variety of fossils found by Claire


Butler county BPS fossil field trip

Various items found, including cochina, shark teeth, ray teeth, pottery, echinoid



The Cretaceous period occurred about 65-145 million years ago, and is the most recent part of the Mesozoic era.   The Upper/Late Cretaceous period consists of the Tuscaloosa group and the Selma group.  Most fossils are found in the Eutaw Formation, Mooreville Chalk/ Arcola Limestone Member, Demopolis Chalk, the Ripley Formation, and Prairie Bluff Chalk.  In appearance, most of the "dir

May 19, 2007 - Cretaceous Fossils, Montgomery Co, AL

Another hot day found the troops begging for a "water field trip" so we could cool off. We had mixed feelings about what we saw when we got there and found that drought conditions had virtually dried up the creek-bed. On the other hand, a good deal more fossils were exposed. This is our favorite spot for collecting


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