04_jun_vl_shellrock A closeup of the banks along the creek. shellsCretaceousMontgomeryAlabama2004-06-26
04_jun_nk_urchins1 Was it worth it?? All would certainly say yes! echinoidCretaceousMontgomeryAlabama2004-06-26
04_jun_nk_urchins2 Nancy couldn't wait to get home and use her new Dremel tool! echnoidCretaceousMontgomeryAlabama2004-06-26
02_Sep_BW_2_of_6 Echinoids and horned coral at the creek site. horned coralechinoidCretaceousMontgomeryAlabama2002-09-28
02_Sep_BW_6_of_6 And here is the sandpile. Several small shark teeth were found by sifting. groupMontgomeryAlabama2002-09-28