
January 22, 2011 - Devonian Fossils - St. Clair County, AL

BPS members headed to St. Clair County this month to search for Devonian fossils.  With the past week having numerous days below freezing, we were hoping the predicted 48 degrees would be bearable.  It actually turned out to be a very pleasant sunny day.  After a too-long hiatus from fossil trips, we had members showing up from Huntsville, Birmingham, Mobile, Anniston, Montgomery, and Georgia to spend the day outside digging in the dirt.  Quite literally!   We had been asked to collect soil samples for Jun Ebersole so the first order of business was to collect baggies of dirt.

June 13-14, 2009 - Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossils, Butler Co, AL

This month the group traveled to Butler County, Alabama, to a sandy creek which runs through early Tertiary and late Cretaceous material.  The weather was overcast on Saturday, making collecting very pleasant.  A number of members camped out for the weekend.  Sunday the sun was out, and it made us grateful for the cloud cover on Saturday!

The sandy beaches and gravel areas yielded up shark teeth, ray teeth, some nautiloid sections, and recent mammal material which was sometimes as fasinating as the fossils. 



Some tiny gastropods found on the flat limestone "bald", and an unkown black item with serated edges.


large gastropod

This nice gastropod was found at this site several years ago, and was brought to the trip to display.


shark teeth, enchodus, gastropod

A collection of teeth, including shark and enchodus, along with an internal mold of a gastropod.

November 1-2, 2008 - Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossils - Butler County

If you wanted a day/weekend out in the woods, you couldn't have custom-ordered more perfect weather or a more perfect spot to enjoy the outdoors.   A small group of BPS’ers set out for Butler County to a site owned by a member’s relatives.  They kindly let us in there at least once a year and a big THANK YOU goes out to them from BPS.    We use the word “intrepid” a lot to describ


gastropod, echinoid

More of Leisa's finds.


Melanie found a nice gastropod in the same area where the tiny shark teeth were found.




August 16, 2008 - Cretaceous - Dallas and Perry Counties, Alabama

Day 1 Friday         Day 2 Saturday         Day 3 Sunday

A weekend trip to the Cretaceous chalk gullies of Dallas County Alabama and a creek in Perry county turned up numerous fossils.  Ancient creatures, including shark, turtle, mosasaur, ptychodus, fish, clam, and ammonite were found during the three day weekend trip.


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