Micro finds from the trip. Brought home a 1/2 gallon zip-lock bag of gravel... the only perfect teeth found are the Enchodus teeth.
Micro finds from the trip. Brought home a 1/2 gallon zip-lock bag of gravel... the only perfect teeth found are the Enchodus teeth.
It was a gorgeous day to go creek hunting in Mississippi with BPS! We were the first ones there and had the park to ourselves up till around 3ish. The water that morning was freezing cold, but our bodies acclimated to it, and it helped the temperature shot up to 78 degrees! After 3ish, about 20 people showed up to party with us... got a lil' crowded, but most left after an hour. Here is my haul, all found under the bridge where it has been picked over... ya gotta dig a lil' deeper! Most are Goblin Shark teeth with maybe a Cretolamna and Squalicorax? A tooth that still is in the matrix with blade showing. Another tooth, has the root attached and looks like a Mosasaur tooth? Pieces of bone, broken Gastropod steinkern, pottery sherds with faint designs on them, and the broken shark teeth found as well. Also brought home half a bucket of gravel to micro sift! Three years ago, when visiting there, I found squat! This time around, I was happy with what was found!