View site in Firefox for now

We're making progress on getting the site back up.  Best viewed in Firefox for now.  The tweaks to make the page render properly with the non-standard Internet Explorer are coming soon.

BPS Annual Meeting, January 14, 2013

Our October speaker is James Lamb, Paleontologist and Adjunct Professor of Zoology at the University of West Alabama.  His talk is "Things that Bite You".

Monday, January 14, 2013 - 7:00pm to 8:45pm

BPS Site is back up

All information from the old site has been migrated to the new site, including news, events, and photos.  Some pages may operate differently than in the past, and we will be tweaking things each da

November 5, 2012 Program - "Fossil Prep, Casting, and Skeleton Mounting"

Our November speaker is James Lamb, zoology instructor at the University of West Alabama, who will present a lecture titled "".  James has done casting, sculpting, and mounting of fossils for the past 30+ years.

Monday, November 5, 2012 - 7:00pm

Fossils of the Black Belt - Field Workshop

This one day workshop will be in Livingston, Alabama on Tuesday, October 23, 2012.  Taught by professors from the University of West Alabama and geologists from the Geological Survey of Alabama, it is primarily for science teachers, and will help integrate real earth science into the curricula.  The cost is $15.  Teachers will find fossils at a research site, receive a copy of Lost World

Tuesday, October 23, 2012 - 8:00am to 4:30pm

October 1, 2012 Program - "Sloss Furnace Current Projects"

Our October speaker is Dr. Bob Rathburn, Executive Director of Sloss Furnace National Historic Landmark.  His lecture will provide some interesting information on the history and currrent events scheduled for Sloss Furnace, and give us advance information on the new visitor center and museum that will be opening in 2013. 

The program starts at 7pm, to be followed by our business meeting around 8pm.

WHO: Dr. Bob Rathburn, Executive Director, Sloss Furnace National Historic Landmark

Monday, October 1, 2012 - 7:00pm

September 10, 2012 program: "An Overview of Abandoned Surface Mine Reclamation in Alabama"

Our September speaker is Ron Penuel, from the Alabama Department of Industrial Relations, in the Mining and Reclamation Division.  His lecture is titled: "An Overview of Abandoned Surface Mine Reclamation in Alabama".  He will address safety issues including high walls and contaminated water, and give some insight of the processes his department follows to reclaim surface mines.

Monday, September 10, 2012 - 7:00pm

August 6, 2012 Program: "My Favorite Fossil - a BPS Fossil Exhibit"

Our August program will be a fossil display and show-and-tell.  Members will bring fossils from their personal collections to help show the diversity of fossils found in Alabama and surrounding areas.  Members will be on hand to answer questions from the public, identify fossils, and discuss collecting techniques.

The program starts at 7pm, to be followed by our business meeting around 8pm.

WHO: BPS Members

WHAT:  Fossil Display

WHEN:  Monday, August 6, 2012, 7:00-8:00 pm

Monday, August 6, 2012 - 7:00pm

July 2, 2012 Program "Winnie McGlamery: How a Woman Paleontologist Became Alabama's Secret Weapon in the Oil Industry"

Our July speaker is Dr. Andrew Rindsberg, Geologist and Paleontologist, and currently an Associate Professor at UWA.  Dr. Rindsberg presented this lecture at the Geological Survey of America conference earlier this year.  The lecture will be on Winnie McGlamery, a prominent female paleontologist.  Lecture notes have this to say about her:

Monday, July 2, 2012 - 7:00pm

June 4, 2012 Program "Bird Anatomy for Bird Watchers"

Our June speaker is James Lamb, zoology instructor at the University of West Alabama, who will present a lecture titled "Bird Anatomy for Bird Watchers".  James is also the Curator of Paleontology for The Black Belt Museum and has some interesting information to share about birds.  And didn't someone say recently that dinosaurs are birds?  Hmmm....

Monday, June 4, 2012 - 7:00pm


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