Trip number 2, for the win! On Saturday, February 1, 2020, eight BPS members and guests met in a parking lot in Russellville to gather permits, supplies and biscuits before returning to the lake where we had collected just a short time ago. The weather was nearly a repeat with gloomy skies and chilly temps and winds but no one was thwarted in the least. We intended to have a leisurely look along the shore that was so forthcoming last time but had a lucky change of direction instead. A long-time friend/member of BPS happened to spot, collecting on the shore, a local fellow he knew who HAD A BOAT and offered to ferry us across the lake to spots that are not as heavily collected. Yes, PLEASE!!! Several whole crinoids, a couple of trilobite pygidium, a possible large trilobite (on its side) and some nice hash slabs were claimed. When our boat captain had to go, he ferried us to the spot we had originally wanted to visit. We found a few blastoids, horn and other coral pieces, Archimedes, brachiopods, a badly broken shark tooth in matrix, and other fun bits of Mississippian fossil treasure. As the day extended and the wind continued, it was decided to make way back to the cars. At one point, it seemed like maybe more collecting would happen but the appeal of warmth and food overcame the need to collect more. That nice Mexican restaurant in Cullman was beckoning – food and conversation were enjoyed by those who stopped. Even though it was the second trip in short succession, it was a very good day!
On Saturday, January 25, 2020, several BPS members and guests decided, despite the dismal forecast, to travel to a lake in Franklin county to collect fossils. The selected field trip site is a favorite and did not fail to please. Despite the raw and biting winds and persistent clouds, our group visited 3 sites throughout the day. Though two of the sites were less than forthcoming with fossil finds, one site was a treasure trove of Mississippian fossils. There were lots of crinoid stems, many blastoids (one HUGE one), nice corals (also a HUGE horn coral), a couple of trilobites, some hash plates that were not to be left behind, a stunning arm of a feathered star crinoid and many other nice collectibles. No one really wanted to leave the site but there was one more that we all wanted to visit so that’s what we did – staying until the daylight was all but gone. It was probably the cold and the wind but we all decided to head home instead of having the usual Mexican dinner. Even without the dinner and discussion, it was a good field trip.