
February 1, 2020 - Mississippian, Franklin County, Alabama

Trip number 2, for the win! On Saturday, February 1, 2020, eight BPS members and guests met in a parking lot in Russellville to gather permits, supplies and biscuits before returning to the lake where we had collected just a short time ago. The weather was nearly a repeat with gloomy skies and chilly temps and winds but no one was thwarted in the least. We intended to have a leisurely look along the shore that was so forthcoming last time but had a lucky change of direction instead.

January 25, 2014, St. Clair County, AL - Site 2

After a BBQ stop to warm up and fill our bellies, we proceeded to a site that contains some Frog Mountain formation.  Most of our finds at this site were horned corals and trilobites, though many shells and various forms of other coral were also found.  Most of the trilobites ended up in the museum.

February 4, 2012 - Devonian Fossils-St.Clair County, Al.

BPS went to St. Clair County this month and found various coral, including horned corals, and a number of trilobites. Shells were also found, including a few bivalves. It was an excellent collecting day, the temp was cool but not overly so and the humidity was perfect.

March 5, 2011 - Mississippian Fossils, Franklin Co, AL

Okay, how many of you let a 90% chance of rain stop you from coming on the field trip?

Six of us showed up to hunt fossils in spite of the predictions of 90% rain over the entire south.  The weather report was correct this time!  It didn't rain on the way there, lulling us into believing it would hold off most of the day.  

With such a small group we decided to go to a location where we have not been in several years.  This location has a very poor road with large potholes, not much room to park, and a short hike to get to the lake.

January 22, 2011 - Devonian Fossils - St. Clair County, AL

BPS members headed to St. Clair County this month to search for Devonian fossils.  With the past week having numerous days below freezing, we were hoping the predicted 48 degrees would be bearable.  It actually turned out to be a very pleasant sunny day.  After a too-long hiatus from fossil trips, we had members showing up from Huntsville, Birmingham, Mobile, Anniston, Montgomery, and Georgia to spend the day outside digging in the dirt.  Quite literally!   We had been asked to collect soil samples for Jun Ebersole so the first order of business was to collect baggies of dirt.

February 27, 2010 - Mississippian Fossils, Colbert and Franklin Co, AL

There must have been a lot of people concerned about the weather report, which predicted snow and ice in North Alabama.  Only 5 of us showed up, but what a wonderful day it turned out to be.  It stayed cold in Birmingham, but the weather at the collecting sites warmed up to the 50's, and Don remarked we better tell the field trip planner thanks for picking such a great day!  The smaller numb



Trilobite specimens











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