Discovery Channel Megabeasts - Mosasaur Episode featuring Paleontologist James Lamb - Sept 13, 2009

Update: Check your schedule for the air time, the show is now scheduled for 10pm ET, which is 9pm Central time here in Birmingham.  The mosasaur episode is titled "T-rex of the Deep".  The "Terror Bird" episode is now scheduled for 8pm Central time.

Sunday, September 13, 2009 - 7:00pm

June 13-14, 2009 - Artifacts, Butler Co, AL

Since many BPS club members are interested in both Paleontology and Archeology, it seemed important to find out a little bit about the culture which might have made the pottery chards which many found in the creek on the June 2009 BPS field trip.   

June 13-14, 2009 - Cretaceous and Tertiary Fossils, Butler Co, AL

This month the group traveled to Butler County, Alabama, to a sandy creek which runs through early Tertiary and late Cretaceous material.  The weather was overcast on Saturday, making collecting very pleasant.  A number of members camped out for the weekend.  Sunday the sun was out, and it made us grateful for the cloud cover on Saturday!

The sandy beaches and gravel areas yielded up shark teeth, ray teeth, some nautiloid sections, and recent mammal material which was sometimes as fasinating as the fossils. 

Birds of a Feather - Part 3 - Blog by James Lamb

We have now arrived at a very interesting point where the discoveries of the past two decades have illustrated how difficult it is to define exactly where feathered theropod dinosaurs leave off and birds begin. Many of the features once thought to be unique to birds, like a

July 11, 2009 - Cretaceous Fossils, Greene Co, AL

BPS members and guests headed down to Greene county, Alabama for our July trip.  This site is a creek covered with pea gravel - making screening for shark teeth and other fossils quite difficult.  However, most found it fairly easy to spot the fossils lying on top of the gravel.  Numerous shark teeth were found, a couple of mosasaur teeth, several ptychodus teeth, a gar vertebra and tooth, c

Falls of the Ohio Annual Fossil Festival

Falls of the Ohio State Park and the Falls of the Ohio Foundation announce the 2009 Falls Fossil Festival! This, our 15th annual event, will be held September 19 - 20 at one of the world's most spectacular naturally exposed fossil beds! Visitors are encouraged to explore our rich Middle Devonian patch reef packed with fossils on the riverbed at the Falls of the Ohio. Look for giant colonial corals, horn corals up to four feet long, trilobites, and numerous other types of marine organisms.
Saturday, September 19, 2009 - 12:00pm

BPS Meeting August 3, 2009

The next regular meeting of the BPS is Monday, August 3, 2009, 7-9 pm at the McWane Science Center in Birmingham, Alabama.  Logan King will present a lecture titled "Dinosaurs of the Southeastern United States".

Free parking, enter the McWane parking deck from 2nd Ave. NORTH and proceed to yellow level "C". Enter door marked "Special Events" and turn left to the large auditorium.
Monday, August 3, 2009 - 7:00pm

Birds of a Feather - Part 2 - Blog by James Lamb

There are to date at least 21 different types of dinosaurs that are known to have had feathers. Even Velociraptor, a well-established dinosaur, appears to have had a feather coating, as a recently discovered specimen shows that it had the bumps on one of its forearm bones called “quill nodes” that indicate where feathers attach in modern birds.

  Full story and photo at the McWane Science Center Blogspot.

Birds of a Feather - Part 1 - Blog by James Lamb

The pair of fighting dinosaurs tumbled across the sidewalk in front of me, bringing me to an abrupt halt. Screeching, flipping tail over talon, grasping at each other with their sharp, three-toed hind feet and stabbing at each other with their mouths, they didn’t even pause when they rolled over a vertical drop twice their own body length.

  Full story and photo at the McWane Science Center Blogspot.

BPS meeting July 6, 2009

The next regular meeting of the BPS is Monday, July 6, 2009, 7-9 pm at the McWane Science Center in Birmingham, Alabama.  Leisa Whitlow will present a lecture titled "Fossils and the American Indian".

Free parking, enter the McWane parking deck from 2nd Ave. NORTH and proceed to yellow level "C". Enter door marked "Special Events" and turn left to the large auditorium.
Monday, July 6, 2009 - 7:00pm


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