BPS January 8, 2007 Meeting

BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the McWane Science Center.

Annual Meeting and Officer Elections

Program: Trilobites by Greg Mestler

Park in the deck on "Level C", go through doors marked Special Event Center, and follow signs to meeting. The business meeting begins at 7:00, followed by the program around 7:45 or 8pm.

Monday, January 8, 2007 - 7:00pm

December 16, 2006 - Mississippian & Ordovician Fossils, Jefferson Co, AL

A visit to the quarry at the Ruffner Mountain Nature Center and a chance to check on our “pet rock” was the highlight for this December trip. This was a service trip (photos only - no collecting) to Ruffner Mountain Nature Center, and BPS had been asked to make some

December 2, 2006 - Mississippian Fossils, St. Clair Co, AL

A roadcut in St. Clair County was a real bonanza for BPS on this trip. A smaller crowd than usual came along but found a very wide variety of fossils. Excitement all around as we spread out along the road cut. This is a Mississippian age site where geologic uplift is obvious. Several varieties of coral,

BPS December 4, 2006 Meeting

BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the McWane Science Center.


Using Topo & Geo Maps in Scouting, by Greg Mestler.

Using the GS Online Maps on the Giant Touchscreen Monitor by Jun Ebersole

Park in the deck on "Level C", go through doors marked Special Event Center, and follow signs to meeting. The business meeting begins at 7:00, followed by the program around 7:45 or 8pm.

Monday, December 4, 2006 - 7:00pm

BPS November 6, 2006 Meeting

BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the McWane Science Center.  Program: Collecting Methods, by Jun Ebersole.  Preview of newly installed McWane exhibits

Park in the deck on "Level C", go through doors marked Special Event Center, and follow signs to meeting. The business meeting begins at 7:00, followed by the program around 7:45 or 8pm.

Monday, November 6, 2006 - 7:00pm

October 28, 2006 - Mississippian Fossils, Blount Co, AL

A trip to Blount County gave BPS a chance to visit "crinoid stem central!" While out on a service call, Greg had the good fortune to meet a lady who had just seen him on TV the night before, talking about the Homewood Library fossil exhibit. She and her next door neighbor turned out to be

September 30, 2006 - Paleozoic Fossils and Rocks, Jefferson Co, AL, Part 2

Page 1 - General trip photos
Page 2 - Fossils and minerals (this page)

The Red Mountain road cut rocks were formed million of years ago when North America was covered by a shallow sea. Fossils from the Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, and Mississippian ages are found at this site. Members found a good selection of fossils, including numerous brachiapods, the pygidium of a Llandovacaste birminghamensis trilobite (used in the BPS logo), graptolites, unidentified plant

September 30, 2006 - Paleozoic Fossils, Jefferson Co, AL

Page 1 - General trip photos (this page)
Page 2 - Fossils and minerals

The BPS September field trip found us at the site of the Red Mountain Road Cut, which is also the site of the former Red Mountain Museum. The fossils that were formerly housed in the RMM now reside in the Alabama Collections Center of McWane Science Center. A good deal of the interpretive work still remains, and several members helped clear vines and bushes that had overgrown the

BPS October 2, 2006 Meeting

BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the McWane Science Center.

Program: Ancient Alabama, by James Lamb

Park in the deck on "Level C", go through doors marked Special Event Center, and follow signs to meeting. The business meeting begins at 7:00, followed by the program around 7:45 or 8pm.
Monday, October 2, 2006 - 7:00pm

BPS September 11, 2006 Meeting

BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the McWane Science Center.

Program: Archaeology at Magadi: The investigation of a 500,000 year old Homo Erectus site in Southern Kenya by Jun Ebersole.

Park in the deck on "Level C", go through doors marked Special Event Center, and follow signs to meeting. The business meeting begins at 7:00, followed by the program around 7:45 or 8pm.
Monday, September 11, 2006 - 7:00pm


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