January 16-17, 2010 - Cambrian Fossils, Cherokee Co, AL

This weekend trip to northeast Alabama was delayed due to several weeks of below freezing weather.  When the day arrived, a high percent of rain was predicted.  However, being the troopers we are, and seeing that it has been so long since we've been on a field trip, 21 of us showed up anyhow!  Amazingly, the weather cooperated.  A light drizzle

BPS Meeting February 1, 2010

The next regular meeting of the BPS is Monday, February 1, 2010, 7-9 pm at the McWane Science Center in Birmingham, Alabama.

Free parking; Enter the The McWane Science Center parking deck from 2nd Ave. North, proceed to yellow level "C", enter the door marked "Special Events" and bear to the left.

Monday, February 1, 2010 - 7:00pm

BPS Meeting January 4, 2010

The next meeting of the BPS will be Monday, January 4, 2010, 7-9 pm at the McWane Science Center in Birmingham, Alabama.  

The speaker will be James Lamb, Curator of Collections for the Black Belt Museum.

Monday, January 4, 2010 - 7:00pm

December 5, 2009 - Mississippian & Ordovician Fossils, Jefferson Co, AL

A hastily put together field trip ended up being on a snowy day, and most members decided to stay snug in their warm homes.  Three of us were ready to brave the snow, cold, and wind, so we headed to Ruffner Mountain, to enjoy the old quarry, and check on the rock we etched many years ago so visitors could see the range of fossils in the limestone.


December 7, 2009 BPS Meeting

The next regular meeting of the BPS is Monday, December 7, 2009, 7-9 pm at the McWane Science Center in Birmingham, Alabama.

Our speaker will be Jun Ebersole, Curator at the McWane Science Center.  His topic will be "Faunal Analysis 101:  An introduction to the study of animal bones from archaeological sites"

Free parking; Enter the The McWane Science Center parking deck from 2nd Ave. North, proceed to yellow level "C", enter the door marked "Special Events" and bear to the left.

Monday, December 7, 2009 - 7:00pm

James Lamb is now Curator of Collections at the Black Belt Museum

James Lamb has accepted a position as Curator of Collections at the new Black Belt Museum at the University of West Alabama.

BPS Meeting November 2, 2009

The next regular meeting of the BPS is Monday, November 2, 2009, 7-9 pm at the McWane Science Center in Birmingham, Alabama.

Our speaker will be James Lamb, Paleontologist at the McWane Science Center.  We will show the Discovery Channel presentation of "Megabeasts - The Mosasaur"

Monday, November 2, 2009 - 7:00pm

Radio Tribute to Greg Mestler - KDHX - St. Louis

KDHX is a community radio station in St. Louis, Missouri.  Greg's sister is married to one of the DJ's, "Grandfather Paul Stark", who created a tribute to Greg on his Saturday morning radio show "Musical Merry-Go Round" on October 17, 2009.  It will be available as a streaming audio program for two weeks.  Link is below.  The tribute

BPS Charter Member Greg Mestler has died

Greg Greg Mestler died early Friday morning after a long illness that gradually robbed him of his strength and energy, but never of his quirky sense of humor, desire to help others, learn more, and desire to be involved with the friends and family he so dearly loved.  Greg was an active member from the very beginning of BPS, back in 1984, and was always in the middle of any activity. 

October 5, 2009 BPS Meeting - 25th Anniversary Celebration

It's time for a celebration !  September marks the 25th year of existance for BPS, and we will host a Celebration of this event at our Monday, OCTOBER 5 meeting.  We were formed in 1984 by paleontologists who worked at the Red Mountain Museum, and needed extra eyes and field labor to assist with museum acquisitions.  And here we are 25 years later, still going strong!  All current members,

Monday, October 5, 2009 - 6:00pm


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