Goodbye, Lea Martin

With sadness and regret, Lea turned in her resignation at the August, 2006 meeting. She and her husband decided to move back to Kentucky to be near their aging parents, and have already vacated the state. We already miss you, Lea and Paige

BPS August 7, 2006 Meeting

BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the McWane Science Center.

Program: BBC Video - The science behind "Walking with Dinosaurs"

Park in the deck on "Level C", go through doors marked Special Event Center, and follow signs to meeting. The business meeting begins at 7:00, followed by the program around 7:45 or 8pm.
Monday, August 7, 2006 - 7:00pm

July 30, 2006 - Elmore Co, AL

Yesterday's exhibit setup was fun, but indoors. Several people wanted to go on a field trip in spite of the hot weather and the fact they had an opportunity to get their "fossil fix" for the month yesterday. The small group that was able to come on such short notice split into two so that more areas could be scouted. One

July 29, 2006 - Fossil Exhibit, Homewood Library, Jefferson Co, AL

Our annual exhibit in the Ellenburg Art Gallery at the Homewood Public Library is up and looks great!

(Photos courtesy Vicki Lais)
Library exhibit cases and collage

On July 29, members of BPS gathered at the HPL with bones, stones, posters and other materials to set up the exhibition that has become a tradition with the Library. We gathered in the round auditorium and laid out our fossils on paper mock-ups of the display cases.

Fossil Exhibit at Homewood Library

Check it out ! BPS is presenting a fossil exhibit the entire month of August, 2006 titled "Alabama, the Time Machine: Half a billion years of life in Alabama" in the Ellenburg Art Gallery at the Homewood Public Library (map). It's open to the public at all hours

BPS Fossil Exhibit at Homewood Public Library July 30-August 31

BPS Fossil Exhibit will be shown in the Ellenburg Art Gallery at the Homewood Public Library all month.  There will be an Open House on August 27th, and the exhibit ends August 31, 2006.
Sunday, July 30, 2006 - 2:00pm

BPS July 10, 2006 Meeting

BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the McWane Science Center.

Program:   Bring fossils and other display items/stands, labels, etc., and ideas, so we can see what we have and/or need for the August exhibit (to be set up on Saturday, July 29.)

Park in the deck on "Level C", go through doors marked Special Event Center, and follow signs to meeting. The business meeting begins at 7:00, followed by the program around 7:45 or 8pm.
Monday, July 10, 2006 - 7:00pm

June 24, 2006 - Cretaceous Fossils, Montgomery and Elmore Co, AL

A relatively small group of BPS members went to a creek in Montgomery County for today's trip - could it be some people were scared off by the thoughts of 95 degree weather in the sweltering sun? To get an idea of our weather, go to your bathroom, turn the shower on the hottest it will go, close the door so steam can build up, turn off the A/C, then take your laptop in there and

June 03, 2006 - Paleocene Fossils, Clarke and Wilcox Co, AL

Today BPS went way down south to Clarke County, Alabama. We were quite excited because this was a new site Steve found, and we were chomping at the bit, ready to go. We found a good variety of bivalves and gastropods, a few shark teeth and ray teeth. The most numerous fossil we found is Flabellum cuneiforme pachyphyllum, a type of

BPS June 5, 2006 Meeting

BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the McWane Science Center. Park in the deck on "Level C", go through doors marked Special Event Center, and follow signs to meeting. The business meeting begins at 7:00, followed by the program around 7:45 or 8pm.

Program: Fossil Preparation Techniques by Greg Mestler and Bobby Popwell

Monday, June 5, 2006 - 7:00pm


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