June 4, 2018 BPS Program "Trace Fossils of Portugal"

Our speaker for June is Dr. Andy Rindsberg, Associate Professor of Environmental Geology and Paleontology at the University of West Alabama, who will speak on "Trace Fossils of Portugal." Hoover Public Library, Fitzgerald Room. Free and open to the public.

Monday, June 4, 2018 - 7:30pm to 8:30pm

May 7, 2018 BPS Program “Little Foot, the Oldest Fossil Hominid Skeleton”

Our speaker for May is Dr. Jason Heaton, professor of Biology at Birmingham Southern College.
Hoover Public Library, Fitzgerald Room, Downstairs. Business meeting at 7:00 pm, program at 7:30. Free and open to the public.

Monday, May 7, 2018 - 7:30pm

March 31, 2018 - Mississippian Fossils, Morgan Co, Al

On March 31, thirteen BPS members and guests had the pleasure of visiting a working limestone quarry in Morgan County.  The weather was superb, the attendees were enthusiastic and the fossils were everywhere!  The fossils found were primarily Mississippian (Paleozoiz era).  Many crinoid stems and whole crinoids were found as well as

April 2, 2018 BPS Program “Climate Change Throughout Geologic Time”

Our speaker for April is James Lamb, Director of the Black Belt Museum at the University of West Alabama who will speak on “Climate Change Throughout Geologic Time”.

Hoover Public Library, Fitzgerald Room, downstairs. Business meeting 7pm, program 7:30pm. Free and open to the public.

Monday, April 2, 2018 - 7:30pm

March 3, 2018 - Fossil Road Show, Jackson, MS

Dr. George Phillips of the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science in Jackson, Mississippi, held the 15th Annual Fossil Road Show, where various groups from around the south were invited to set up exhibits and help identify fossils.  The BPS exhibit showcased Alabama fossils,

February 24, 2018 - Mississippian Fossils, Franklin Co, Alabama

For the February field trip, six stalwart fossil hunters ignored the gloomy forecast and journeyed through a storm front to a lovely Franklin County lake site.  As it turned out, the weather was perfectly suited to fossil hunting with partly sunny

March 5, 2018 BPS Program “A Rare Miocene Plant Fossil Site from Mississippi”

Our speaker for March is Dr. Brian Axsmith, Professor of Biology at the University of South Alabama. Dr. Axsmith will speak on “A Rare Miocene Plant Fossil Site from Mississippi.”
Hoover Public Library, Downstairs, Fitzgerald Room. Business meeting at 7 pm, program at 7:30 pm. Free and open to the public.

Monday, March 5, 2018 - 7:30pm

Fossil Road Show, Jackson MS March 3

The annual Fossil Road Show will be held in Jackson, MS at the  Mississippi Museum of Natural Science.  BPS will be one of the exhibitors.  Professional paleontologists will be on hand to identify your unknown fossils and rocks.  The speaker will be micropaleontologist Dr. Mark Puckett.

Saturday, March 3, 2018 - 10:00am to 3:00pm

February 5, 2018 BPS Program “Fossil Growth and Chemistry as Windows into Past Climate and Ecology.”

Our speaker for February is Dr. Fred Andrus, Professor of Geology and Department Chair in Geological Sciences at the University of Alabama. Dr. Andrus will speak on “Fossil Growth and Chemistry as Windows into Past Climate and Ecology.”

Hoover Public Library, Fitzgerald Room, downstairs. Business meeting starts at 7:00, program at 7:30pm. Free and open to the public

Monday, February 5, 2018 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm


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