New Meeting Location - Hoover Public Library

Beginning May 7, 2012, BPS will begin meeting at the Hoover Public Library.  We will meet on the 1st Monday of each month, downstairs across from the Library Theatre at 7pm.  The address is 300 Munici

May 7, 2012 BPS Program - GIS: More than Making Pretty Maps

Sean Lytle is an Economic Development Analyst for the Economic Development Partnership of Alabama.  His lecture is titled "GIS:  More than Making Pretty Maps".  You are probably familiar with GIS from Google Maps, where you can take a basic map and overlay roads, waterways, tornado paths, population density, even the Geologic Map of Alabama.  Sean will discuss how GIS can be used

Monday, May 7, 2012 - 7:00pm

April 2, 2012 BPS Program - Photography Techniques

Ryan Pierce, Professional Photographer, will speak at the April meeting of the Birmingham Paleontological Society.  The lecture will cover photographing geologic formations and small fossils with poor light or contrast, close-ups, and composition ideas.  Bring your cameras, flashes, lights and other camera gear and find out how to take better pictures with what you have.

The program starts at 7pm, to be followed by our business meeting around 8pm.

 WHO: Ryan B. Pierce, Professional Photographer

WHAT:  Lecture - "Photography Techniques"

Monday, April 2, 2012 - 7:00pm

March 5, 2012 BPS Program "In Search of Megalodon Sharks, Prehistoric To Present"

Mike Goodson, author, journalist, storyteller, and avid shark tooth collector, will be our speaker for March.  His lecture is titled "In Search of Megalodon Sharks, Prehistoric To Present", and he will talk about the interesting quest for the giant Megalodon Shark tooth.  His impressive collection is on display at McWane Science Center near the paleo lab.  Come hear about these gia

Monday, March 5, 2012 - 7:00pm

Discover the Dinosaurs - BJCC Feb 17-18-19, 2012

Over 60 replica and moving museum quality dinosaurs will take over the Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center this weekend.  BPS has nothing to do with the show, but wanted to pass the information along

February 6, 2012 Program "Fantastic, Freaky Fossils - the Deeply Weird World of Paleozoic Sharks"

Our speaker for February will be James Lamb, paleontologist at the University of West Alabama, who will present a lecture on "Fantastic, Freaky Fossils - the Deeply Weird World of Paleozoic Sharks".  This is an introduction to the type of sharks we will be finding on summer digs.   The program starts at 7pm, to be followed by our business meeting around 8pm.  Note: we will be meeting in a different room at McWane this month, the Rushton Theater. 


WHO: James Lamb, paleontologist, University of West Alabama

Monday, February 6, 2012 - 7:00pm

December 3, 2011 - Pennsylvanian fossils, Bibb Co, Alabama

 Have you ever wondered what an ol’ mine has to do with paleontology? Just ask 8 year old Antonio who went with us on our last field trip; that is if you can get him to slow down as he chatters about his finds at the mine while grinning from ear to ear.
When you first visit the mine, it looks like a vast wasteland with piles of rocks just scooped from the earth and placed in mounds away from the actual work area.

January 16, 2012 - THIRD Monday - BPS Annual Meeting

Due to various scheduling conflicts, the next meeting of the BPS will be Monday, January 16, 2012, 7-9 pm at the McWane Science Center in Birmingham, Alabama.  

This will be a concurrent Annual Meeting, Directors Meeting, and Regular Business meeting.  We will elect and install officers for 2012.  The Awards Committee will be honoring numerous individuals for their various contributions to the group, including hard work and memorable events.  No speaker for this meeting.

Monday, January 16, 2012 - 7:00pm

American Pickers: Jurassic Pick - Mon 11/28/2011 and Sun 12/4/2011

UPDATED: Tonight on The History Channel - American Pickers: Jurassic Pick - a 65 million year-old dinosaur bone is found.  George Phillips, Paleontology Curator at the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science will discuss the fossil fin

Monday, November 28, 2011 - 8:00pm

December 5, 2011 BPS Program "Teeth: The Identification of Mammals from Archaeological and Fossil Sites"

Jun Ebersole, Collections Manager at McWane Science Center, will present a lecture titled “Teeth: The Identification of Mammals from Archaeological and Fossil Sites” at the Monday, December 5, 2011 meeting of the Birmingham Paleontological Society.  Jun Ebersole is a paleoanthropologist who has done extensive research of the mammals found in Alabama's Pleistocene

Monday, December 5, 2011 - 7:00pm


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