BPS January 5, 2004 Meeting

BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the Homewood Public Library.  Meeting is downstairs, in room 101.
Program: Micro-fossils of Franklin County; Conodonts
Monday, January 5, 2004 - 7:00pm

BPS Meetings 2003

BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the Homewood Public Library. Meeting is downstairs, in room 101.

Programs for 2003:

December 1, 2003
A selection from the Sir David Attenburough series on Paleontology

Thursday, January 1, 2004 - 7:00pm

December 20, 2003 - Franklin Co, AL

Our activity for December was the annual BPS Holiday Party, this time held at the home of Judy and Bill Lewis.  They are fabulous hosts, and have a house built for entertaining.  Their numerous trips to exciting locations around the world, and the treasures they have collected made for interesting conversations.  Also, a number of

November 22, 2003 - Dallas Co, AL

This month BPS did several stops in Dallas County. None of the sites were prolific, but each site was easily accessible. At our first stop, a mosausaur bone had been discovered on the scouting trip, so Steve and Greg spent most of their time excavating the bones on top that were weathering. Three bones were collected, though it appears

October 25, 2003 - Franklin Co, AL

BPS took an earlier than normal trip to Russellville this month. Generally, the water is lowered during the winter, and a good low water level in January makes it easy to collect in the Bangor Limestone that surrounds the lake. But we found they were releasing the water much earlier, and much lower, than normal for a special project.

September 27, 2003 - Sumter Co, AL

This month BPS took to the water. There are chalk bluffs along the Tombigbee that can only be reached by boat. Dr. Charlie Smith has done many years of research on this site, and provided a wonderful lecture and handouts to a group of eager amateurs. A number of straight cephalopods, gastropods, and even ammonites were found. A fish jaw, with teeth, was found on

August 23, 2003 - Butler and Covington Co, AL

BPS did a return trip to Butler County this month.  South Alabama had a lot of rain this year, and the creek looked very different from our previous trip; also, the water was much higher this time.  A number of nice teeth were found, nautaloids, and small gastropods on the ridge.  The best entertainment for the day was watching Claire spin her way up the mountain, after getting

August 16, 2003 - Rummage Sale, Jefferson Co, AL

The rummage sale went very well, and generated a few hundred dollars for the BPS treasury. Several weeks of preparation was hard work, but the actual day of the sale was a lot of fun. Leisa was able to obtain a location on the main drag through Gardendale, Alabama, so even without any advertising, and

Rummage Sale August 2003

The rummage sale went very well, and generated a few hundred dollars for the BPS treasury.  Several weeks of preparation was hard work, but the actual day of the sale was a lot of fun.  Leisa was able to obtain a location on the main drag through Gardendale, Alabama, so even without any advertising, and in spite of our dragging our feet and sleeping in that morning, we had

July 26, 2003 - Cretaceous and Pleistocene Fossils, Greene Co, AL

We had so much fun at this site back in May, we wanted to do it again, and search for more mosasaur bones. And we were in luck! 2 more large vertebra were found, and 2 pieces of jawbone, one with pieces of the tooth still there, however, we did not find where they were washing out, but we all had a great time scouting. This site in Greene County,


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