BPS June 7, 2004 Meeting

BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the Homewood Public Library.  Meeting is downstairs, in room 101.

Program: Evolution of Echinoderms from Vendian to Today
Monday, June 7, 2004 - 7:00pm

May 22, 2004 - Cretaceous Fossils, Sumter Co, AL

Another boat trip, this time in Sumter county, at a river site with huge chalk bluffs.  (The lake level at the Demopolis Lock was 74.28 feet above sea level).  The fossils we collected are from the marl limestone sequences in the Arcola Limestone Member (Late Cretaceous Campanian 83-74 mya).  Last year, Dr.

BPS May 3, 2004 Meeting

BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the Homewood Public Library.  Meeting is downstairs, in room 101.

Program: Bakker & Horner video, with emphasis on Making a Protective Jacket
Monday, May 3, 2004 - 7:00pm

April 17, 2004 - Cretaceous and Pleistocene Fossils, Greene Co, AL

This creek site in Greene County, AL is characterized by large quantities of pea gravel, filled with numerous shark teeth, and the occasional mosasaur vertebra. Going east along the creek one is in Pleistocene age material, while going west moves one through an area of Mooreville Chalk (Cretaceous).

A number of teeth from the Goblin shark and crow shark were found by all. (See the July, 2003 trip report for details on these sharks, and more on the geology of this site.)


BPS April 5, 2004 Meeting

BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the Homewood Public Library.  Meeting is downstairs, in room 101.
Monday, April 5, 2004 - 7:00pm

March 13, 2004 - Mississippian Fossils, Morgan Co, AL

We began our field trip for this month at a quarry in Jefferson County, to view specimens in the quarry classroom.  Then we caravaned to the collecting site in Morgan Co, AL (except Vicki, who was talking so much to Bill and Adelle that she failed to see everyone else passing her on the interstate ...)

We had a wonderful day of collecting, beautiful weather and great turnout.  We went to a new spot in the quarry, in addition to the site from last year.  Collecting is in the Mississippian Period (340-310 mya), in

BPS March 1, 2004 Meeting

BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the Homewood Public Library.  Meeting is downstairs, in room 101.

Program: Hands-on Workshop - Identify & Label Your Collection
Monday, March 1, 2004 - 7:00pm

February 22, 2004 - Jefferson Co, AL

This month's field trip was a work party to prepare the display stone in the Gate City Quarry for the continuing Ruffner Mountain Nature Center project. After a delightful lunch at the Golden Rule BBQ the BPS had fun hiking in to the quarry via a back way told to us by the RMNC staff and we even met a potential new

BPS February 2, 2004 Meeting

BPS regular monthly meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at the Homewood Public Library.  Meeting is downstairs, in room 101.

Program: Fossils as Artifacts, Artifacts as Fossils
Monday, February 2, 2004 - 7:00pm

January 24, 2004 - Cambrian Fossils, Cherokee Co, AL

For the first time in many years it was warm and the sun was shining at Weiss Lake in NE Alabama instead of snowing or sleeting, resulting in a turn-out of 17+ members.

Our first stop was at a new site exposing nodules from the shale of the Conasauga Fm, Dresbachian stage, late Cambrian approx. 515 million years old. Here we found over 20 "Brooksella" which are believed to be the internal mold of a "primitive jellyfish". The most that anyone can remember finding on any trip were 3, so everyone got at least one specimen.


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